Hotels in Wallingford

Brace yourself for an encounter with history in the mesmerising town of Wallingford, a gem in Oxfordshire, England. Perched on the banks of the River Thames, Wallingford's charm lies not only in its landscape but also in the richness of its past, waiting eagerly for both history buffs and picturesque-tour-seekers.

Whether you're a family searching for interactive historic experiences, a couple seeking a romantic English escape, or a group of friends aiming to delve into the local market square, Wallingford provides a variety of budgets to suit. Discover the ideal hotel in Wallingford to suit your needs with Lycafly today.

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Located in Oxfordshire, England, Wallingford has over the centuries played a pivotal role in the nation's history, etching its name into the annals of time with its strategic importance on the River Thames. This market town, located 12 miles north of Reading and 13 miles south of Oxford, has a distinctive charm that is now home to approximately 11,600 residents.

The town's glorious past involves significant historic events, like the surrender of Stigand to William the Conqueror, the resolution of The Anarchy civil war with the Treaty of Wallingford, and its standing as a Royalist stronghold during the English Civil War. Key landmarks like Wallingford Castle - later dismantled by Oliver Cromwell - and Wallingford Priory, have left indelible fingerprints on England's history. These historical nuggets combined with its rich culture and quintessential English scenery make Wallingford a compelling journey of discovery for every traveller.

When to visit Wallingford

The idyllic setting of Wallingford offers a theatre of seasons for your visit, with each having its own charisma. However, the most popular times to venture to Wallingford fall in the months of June, July and August when the weather is at its most pleasant. With the middle-year months offering moderate precipitation and comfortable temperatures, Wallingford comes to life.

Spring is captivating as the town blossoms, while the summer months - particularly August - exhibit Wallingford at its bustling, vibrant best. These seasons are the busiest for tourism, allowing for a lively atmosphere. If a quieter sojourn is on one's cards, winter months like December offer a calm refrain, giving you the comfort of a serene English town all to yourself. No matter the season, Wallingford is a treasure, housing mysteries of the past and the pleasures of the present, beckoning one and all to partake in its beauty.

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